Friday, November 20, 2009

AMIA Conference&San Francisco

Amazing week and great city! Although I missed the two lectures in last week, I absorbed other new knowledge and exposed to varieties of creative idea in BMI field from the 2009 AMIA conference. In this annual meeting, the main topics and discussion are around the Clinical Decision Support system, from technology, policy, implementation and social perspective. Also the translational medical informatics was also a hot topic discussed. How to emerge the traditional EMR system with genotype and phenotype information from technology perspective was introduced, and the security issue about how to store and communicate personal genomic information, as well as how to efficiently using these information to better understand and improve medical research and clinical practice attracted more concerns and discussion. As a BMI student, I more focused on the trend of technology developing in this field. But in this conference, I have a big feeling that the in BMI, technology is not the top one priority, although the technology is also a key important part. If from pure technology perspective, the technologies used and presented in this conference are not much so fancy from CS technology guru. But how to appropriate apply these existing technology into medical practice to fulfill the requirement of physicians and patients is more challenging than pure technology. And how to find out the point in medicine field to create a new idea to use these technologies is what the BMI student should do.

Posted by
Di Pan

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